Juli Turpin Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, trained in London now living in Boston where the environment is amazingly conducive to health and healing.

“I’ve been fortunate to work with Juli fairly regularly over a period of years now. Her approach is always of spaciousness and gentle curiosity. While there are sessions where it’s more about a physical shift, recently more often there’s been a big picture quality to the sessions. Hard to describe in words, it’s like in her witnessing and settled presence my system is safe to open to a more macro integration of Health”. CC, Business Analyst

If you are interested in working with me or would like further information, please contact me using the form below.

I am available for in-person sessions in Framingham, MA and for virtual sessions via Zoom.

‘Life can be traumatic. It doesn't matter if it's a series of relatively insignificant events or a single crisis, the outcome can be debilitation, even for the strongest person! We acknowledge memories, but do we think about cellular memory within our own body? I came to Juli when I had a crisis. The healing I received through cranio-sacral therapy sessions was invaluable. Juli facilitated a secure space of deep relaxation for me. The sessions worked on a far greater level, beyond words. I couldn't have imagined the benefits I gained!!’

ME, Engineer


‘Baby Girl’

  What If we chose our life to be exactly as it is? What if we’re the one setting the scene, choosing the characters, and writing the script? What if our entire lives are carefully crafted dramas with our soul’s evolution at heart?